Program Notes

Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Excerpt from “Elijah”
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”, -lots of people

Fugue in F-sharp minor, Excerpt from BWV 883
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Amazing is gone. There’s no use waiting for the cavalry, because as of this moment, the cavalry is us. This is our fight, whether we like it or not. Just we few. We’re not your classic superheroes. We’re not the favorites. We’re the other guys. The ones nobody ever bets on. We’re all in over our heads and we know it. But if we take on this fight, those of us who survive it will forever after show our scars with pride and say, ‘That’s right. I was there. I fought the good fight.’ So… do we gather together and go kick some Casanova butt? Or do I eat this sandwich?” -The Shoveler, as portrayed by William H. Macy

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Click here for a translation of the text

In 2008, Josh Hamilton performed the greatest Homerun derby in MLB history. The record books will tell you he hit a record 13 homeruns in a row and a record 28 homeruns in the first of two rounds, but that doesn’t describe the 450 foot journey that Josh sent 35 baseballs on that day. The average homerun is 400 feet long, and the minimum to homer in Yankee Stadium is 314 feet (over the right field wall).

If you ask Josh, he attributes his accomplishment to two people: Clay Council and Jesus Christ. He wrote about his struggles and his comeback in an article on ESPN called “I’m proof that hope is never lost”.

Josh Hamilton lost in round 2 to Justin Morneau.

William Bolcom (1938-)

“If music be the food of love, sing on” is not a quote from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, but rather from a poem written by Henry Heveningham in the 17th century. Henry carries on the rich tradition of ‘changing one word to avoid copyright law’ and wrote this love poem that inspired at least two composers in the last 300 years. None of this has to do with William Bolcom, but if you want to hear David Dickau’s beautiful choral setting of Henry’s words (TM), then come to Weill Art Gallery at 92NY on June 22nd at 3pm to see the 92NY Choir’s Premiere Concert under the direction of Anthony DiTaranto.

Chansons gaillardes
Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)

Click here for a translation of the text

“If people are still interested in my music in 50 years' time, it will be for my Stabat Mater rather than the Mouvements perpétuels.” -Francis Poulenc, composer of ‘Dialogues des Carmélites’

“There are always people who will take an easy intellectual path. Poulenc coming after Sacre. It was not progress.” -Pierre Boulez, some pretentious stiff

"He was deeply devout and uncontrollably sensual" -Ned Rorem, Pulitzer Prize winner

"both the fervent Catholic and the naughty boy” -Gerald Larner, British music critic for The Times

“bathed in sensuality” -a dynamic marking in Poulenc’s La Voix humaine

In 1963, Poulenc died of a heart attack at the age of 64. His primary beneficiary was a daughter who never knew he was her father. He also asked for his compositions not to be played at his funeral.

Steam Heat
Richard Adler (1921-2012) & Jerry Ross (1926-1955)

I've got (make two “cling” sounds followed by one “hiss” sound) steam heat. x3
But i need your love to keep away the cold.
I've got (make two “cling” sounds followed by one “hiss” sound) steam heat. x3
But i can't get warm without your hand to hold.
The radiators hissin still I need your kissin to keep me from freezing each nite.
I've got a hot water bottle, but nothing i've got'll take the place of you holdin me
I've got (make two “cling” sounds followed by one “hiss” sound) steam heat. x3
But I need your love to keep away the cold.
They told me to throw some more coal in the boiler. x3
But that don't do no good.
They told me to pour some more oil in the burner. x3But that don't do no good.
Coal in the boiler. No good. Oil in the burner. No good. Cold? NO! Hot?
YES! sssssss yes yes yes come on union get hot!!
I need your love to keep away the cold.
I need you looove to keep awayyyy the colddd....fsss YEA!!

Reception to follow.