Ich Habe Genug

(for a translation of Chansons Gaillardes, click here)

I. Ich habe genug
It is enough,
I have held the Savior, the hope of all peoples,
in the warm embrace of my arms;
it is enough!
I have seen him,
My faith has impressed Jesus on my heart;
Now I was this very day
To depart from here with joy.

II. Recitativo
It is enough.
My one consolation is this:
That I am Jesus’ beloved and he is mine.
In faith, I hold him.
For in Simeon, I already see
The joy of life to come.
Let us go forth with Simeon!
Ah! if only the Lord
Would free me from my body’s enslavement;
Ah! if indeed my liberation were soon,
With joy I would say to you, O World,
It is enough.

III. Schlummert ein
Slumber, my weary eyes,
Fall softly and close in contentment.
O World, I will linger here no more.
For indeed, I find nothing in you
Pleasing to my soul.
Here I am resigned to misery,
But there, there I shall feel
Sweet peace and quiet rest.

IV. Recitativo
My God! When will I hear that precious word: “Now!”
Then I will depart in peace,
And rest both here in the humus of the cool earth
And there within your bosom.
My departure is at hand,
O World, good night!

V. Ich freue mich
With gladness, I look forward to my death,
(Ah! if only it had already come.)
Then shall I escape all despair
That still enslaves me now on earth.